
Pumpkin Biscuits,Calling all biscuit lovers!

40 minutes


16 servings

These pumpkin biscuits are the ultimate crowd-pleaser, whether you’re dishing them up for a fancy Thanksgiving feast or a cozy breakfast with eggs and bacon. Imagine them as the star of the show on your dinner table, golden brown and flaky, just begging to be snagged and slathered with butter or your favorite jam. Get ready to wow your family and friends with these delicious autumn treats!

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250g all-purpose flour
8g baking powder
3g baking soda
5g salt
15g sugar
2g cinnamon
113g chilled unsalted butter , cut in small pieces
50g cheddar cheese , coarsely grated
120ml buttermilk
120g pumpkin puree
topping of the biscuits
1 egg , beaten
pinch of salt flakes
sesame and flex seeds



Let's Whip Up Those Pumpkin Wonders! Fire up the oven to 350°F (180°C)

Grab a large baking sheet and line it with parchment paper – we want these beauties to slide right off.
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whisk together

In a big bowl, we'll whisk together some flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Think of it like a flavor party! Now, for the fun part. We'll use a pastry cutter, a fork, or even our trusty fingertips to cut the butter into the flour mixture. We want pea-sized crumbles – no giant chunks! Next, let's add some shredded cheddar cheese for a delightful savory twist. Just a quick stir to incorporate it into the floury goodness. Time to get wet! We'll add some buttermilk and pumpkin puree and use a fork to mix it all up until everything's nice and combined. The dough should just come together – don't overmix !
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Here comes the shaping magic! We'll dump the dough onto a lightly floured piece of parchment paper. Gently press it down and pat it with our hands to form a roughly 1/2-inch (1cm) thick rectangle. Let's Whip Up Those Pumpkin Wonders! Fire up the oven to 350°F (180°C) – it's biscuit-baking time! Grab a large baking sheet and line it with parchment paper – we want these beauties to slide right off. In a big bowl, we'll whisk together some flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Think of it like a flavor party! Now, for the fun part. We'll use a pastry cutter, a fork, or even our trusty fingertips to cut the butter into the flour mixture. We want pea-sized crumbles – no giant chunks! Next, let's add some shredded cheddar cheese for a delightful savory twist. Just a quick stir to incorporate it into the floury goodness. Time to get wet! We'll add some buttermilk and pumpkin puree and use a fork to mix it all up until everything's nice and combined. The dough should just come together – don't overmix! Here comes the shaping magic! We'll dump the dough onto a lightly floured piece of parchment paper. Gently press it down and pat it with our hands to form a roughly 1/2-inch (1cm) thick rectangle. Now, this might sound fancy, Use the long sides of the rectangle, we'll fold the dough into thirds with the help of the parchment paper on the sides. Press it down again, pat it back into that 1/2-inch thickness, and fold it into thirds again like a pro.
Finally, let's sprinkle some flour on the dough and pat it down to a slightly thicker ¾-inch (2cm) height. We'll use a floured 2 ½-inch (6cm) round cookie cutter to stamp out perfect biscuit discs. Remember, a straight up-and-down motion with the cutter is key – no twisting! We can reshape any leftover dough and keep cutting until it's all used up.
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Place those beauties on the baking sheet, leaving about an inch of space between them. To add a touch of shine and deliciousness, we'll brush the tops with a beaten egg. Then, it's time to get fancy with some sesame seeds, flax seeds, and a sprinkle of salt flakes.
Pop those biscuits in the oven for 20-25 minutes – let the golden magic happen! While they bake, we can whip up a quick maple-flavored butter. Just whisk together some softened butter, maple syrup, and a pinch of salt until it's nice and fluffy. Once the biscuits are golden brown and crispy, it's serving time! Grab those warm wonders, spread on some maple butter, and enjoy!
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