
The Next-Level Babka: chocolate , Walnut, and Orange

2 hours


2 servings

This ain’t your average Babka, folks. This Orange chocolate Walnut Babka is a flavor expedition – a rich, nutty, and chocolaty wonderland infused with a delightful citrus zest. It’s the Babka of your dreams, the pinnacle of what this delectable pastry can achieve.

Now, Babka boasts a stunning versatility. Want to play with fillings? Go for it! Nuts, nutella, cinnamon, poppy seeds, sweet cheese – the list is as endless as your imagination.

The recipe itself isn’t rocket science, but a little planning goes a long way. Here’s the deal: craft the dough the day before, allowing it to rise majestically overnight. Then, the next day, you’ll whip up the filling, roll out the dough, braid it like a champ, and bake it to golden perfection. Easy as pie, well, almost!

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200ml milk
200g all purpose flour
35g fresh yeast 10g of active dry yeast
50g sugar
5 egg yolks
2 small eggs
10g salt
150g sugar
120g Greek yogurt
10g vanilla extract
15g lemon and orange zest
yeast starter
600g all-purpose flour
150g butter , melted
100ml vegetable oil
2 tsp lemon and orange zest
400g chocolate
360g ground walnuts or pecans, toasted
3g salt



Waking Up the Yeast

First things first, we gotta activate the yeast. In a saucepan, get your sugar and milk all cozy and warm (think lukewarm bath, not boiling inferno). Take it off the heat, sprinkle in that crumbled yeast, and let it get friendly with the warm milk. Now, pour this yeasty milk mixture over the flour and stir it up until it's a happy little dough ball. Cover it with plastic wrap and let it rise like a champion for about 15 minutes.
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Dough Time - Get Your Knead On!

In a bowl ,Grab those yolks, whole eggs, salt, and sugar and whisk them together until they're light and fluffy . Add the Greek yogurt, citrus zest, and vanilla, then gently fold in the sifted flour. Time to get your hands dirty! Knead that dough until it's smooth and satiny. Here comes the good stuff: slowly alternate adding the oil and softened butter (think five installments) while continuing to knead. Imagine you're folding the dough over itself, building strength. When it detaches from the bowl and feels like a dream, give it a few good "punches" for good measure. Plop it back in the greased bowl, cover it lovingly with plastic wrap, and send it to chill in the fridge for a cool 14 hours.
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Chocolate Filling

mix together the milted chocolate with orange zest and chopped walnuts
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Shaping and Baking

Here's where things get artistic. Brush your rolled-out dough with some beaten egg - it's like a pre-bake tan! Spread a generous portion of the chocolate filling all over that beautiful dough. Now, repeat this process with the remaining dough and filling. Time to braid! Take two of the rolled-up pieces, start braiding from the center, and pinch the ends to seal the deal. Place it snuggly in your prepared loaf pan. Repeat this braiding magic with the remaining dough and filling. Cover it with a kitchen towel and let it rise again at room temperature until it doubles in size - think a fluffy cloud! This might take around 45 minutes, but remember, good things come to those who wait (and who have a warm kitchen). Brush it again with that beaten egg - it's like a golden pre-bake glow-up! Bake it at 400°F (200°C) for 9 minutes to get things started. Then, lower the heat to 320°F (160°C) and bake for another 45 minutes. Let this beauty cool down a bit before you slice into it (trust us, the wait is worth it!). For an extra decadent touch, drizzle on some homemade chocolate glaze if you're feeling fancy.
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