
King of the Arabic Table: Authentic Meat Quzi

super easy

Dive into the heart of Arabic cuisine with the Arabic Meat Quzi. This isn’t just a dish, it’s a cultural experience served on a platter. Tender lamb shoulder or leg are simmered to perfection, releasing an aroma that will fill your entire home. Fragrant basmati rice is layered with colorful vegetables , creating a symphony of textures and flavors. Toasted nuts and jewel-toned raisins add a touch of elegance, this visually stunning and unforgettable Arabic masterpiece.


Shoulder and leg of lamb

Whole spices (bay leaf, cinnamon stick, cardamom, cloves, black peppercorns)

6 cups rice

5 potatoes, 3 carrots

400 grams peas

4 onions

Nuts of your choice (almonds, cashews, pistachios, pine nuts)

1 cup raisins

Salt and black pepper

Quzi or biryani spices



Boil the lamb in water with salt and whole spices until the lamb is tender.

Place the lamb in a roasting pan, brush with oil, sprinkle with red pepper, and roast in the oven for an hour or until golden brown.

Fry the rice, mix well , add the lamb boiling water, 2 Maggi cubes, salt, and whole spices. When the water dries up, add the zafaran water.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes and fry them. Fry the peas, onions, and carrots, cut into cubes, and mix all the ingredients and sprinkle with biryani spices.

Once the rice is cooked, pour it into a serving dish, add the stuffing, place the roasted lamb, sprinkle the toasted nuts on top.

Enjoy your meal!


You can adjust the amount of spices to your taste.

You can also add other vegetables to the stuffing, such as zucchini or bell peppers.

Quzi is traditionally served with yogurt and a side of tomato salad.

Additional Notes:

Quzi is a traditional Arabic dish that is often served for special occasions.

The dish is made with ground lamb, rice, vegetables, and nuts.

Quzi is typically cooked in a large pot or oven.

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